Monday, August 13, 2012

Pinjaman 10$ Untuk New Member JSS Tripler dan Cara Melihat Bonus

Per tanggal 28 Desember 2011 untuk para member baru yang bergabung dengan Justbeenpaid JSS tripler akan mendapatkan pinjaman dana invest 10 dollar untuk memulai investasi nya.
Dana akan dimasukan secara otomatis di JSS Tripler Account akan tetapi belum dibelikan posisi , sehingga harus tetap masuk JSS tripler member Area kemudian lakukan pembelian posisi seperti dijelaskan DISINI
Berikut Email dari Owner nya Mr. Frederick Mann
(^_^) JBP/JSS – Exciting Tuesday Update!
Welcome to all our new members!
Great news! The first part of the JSS-Tripler
Pay-It-Forward System has been implemented!
All members who create their JSS-Tripler
accounts for the first time get “$10 free
money” in their JSS-Tripler accounts. They
can immediately buy a JSS-Tripler position
and start earning 2% per day!

So you can tell your prospects that if they
create their new JSS-Tripler accounts, they
get “$10 free money” to get started. (Note
that after 60 days their JSS accounts will
be debited with $10.)

This can become very profitable for our
promoters, because you automatically
get $1 every time your prospect buys a
JSS-Tripler position!

We expect to implement the second part
of the JSS-Tripler Pay-It-Forward System
tomorrow. This will provide “$10 free
money” to all existing JSS-Tripler accounts
for which no JSS-Tripler positions have
been bought.

So Jangan Tunggu lama2 lagi untuk bergabung klik JSS Tripler untuk Bergabung

berikut cara melihat bonus anda

1. Pertama login di justbeenpaid

2. Kemudian setelah login silakan klik JSS Tripler yang warna biru

3. Klik Enter

4. Klik Financial

5. Lihat Bonus Anda di Money Currently Available  in Your JSS-Tripler Account: akan   terisi 10 dollar secara otomatis setelah anda mendaftar

6. Setelah JSS Tripler Account sudah ada 10 dollar artinya Anda bisa beli 1 posisi saham di JSS Tripler dengan klik Buy JSS Tripler Position

7. Isi Jumlah Posisi yang mau di beli kemudian klik Proceed with my order


atau jika anda ingin langsung beli posisi tanpa melihat balance JSS Tripler terlebih dahulu bisa langsung pilih step 4 dibawah ini

selamat anda sudah membeli posisi di JSS tripler dan setiap +/- jam 19.00 bonus harian anda akan mengalir 2% dari Modal anda dan akan mengisi Balance di JSS Tripler Account
Tunggi Apa lagi Segera Klik Gambar Dibawah untuk Panduan Pendaftaran

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